The Lady Pioneer Lacrosse Club is a parent-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit booster club that supports the Conestoga girls lacrosse program. Our mission is to support, encourage, and advance the development of the program through fundraising, community building, and teamwork. Each year the Booster Club raises funds to cover expenses that are not included in the school budget.

2025 Booster Club Officers

PresidentErin Preston
First VP Jill Rios
First VP - CommunicationsJenifer Antonacci
TreasurerStacia Bodo
SecretaryMichelle Grimes

Parents who are interested in chairing or volunteering for a committee, please contact Michelle Grimes (migrimes@cisco.com) for information and questions.


  • Winter Fundraiser – This is a fun social event for parents of both the girls and boys lacrosse teams. It is also our largest fundraiser each year and requires a lot of effort which is minimized with more helping hands! Chair oversees planning activities including general planning, ticketing, silent auction, and raffle.
  • Concession Stand – Chair coordinates volunteers for and manages concession stand operations for all home games
  • Buddy Bags – Coordinate buddy bags with nutritious snacks for away games from Varsity and JVA teammates
  • Pasta Dinners – Chairs coordinates three pasta dinners during the season before selected games. Pasta dinners are typically held after practice and at least one is joint with all three teams.
  • Senior Night – Senior Night is when all of our senior players are recognized. The committee to run Senior Night is made of non-senior parents
  • Banquet – This committee plans the end-of-the-year banquet
  • Quix Stix Liasion – Serves as liaison to Quix Stix, the township lacrosse league and feeder program. Instrumental in planning Quix Stix night (one home game) and the Queen of Teamer Tournament
  • Community Service – Chair coordinates community service projects throughout the year for all the teams to participate in
  • Team Photographers – Coordinate and take photographs for the memory book including: team photo, action shots of each player, headshot of each player in home uniform, and other general photographs of the team. Ensure timely and organized delivery to the Memory Book editor
  • Videographers – Video record selected home and away games to be used by team for game analysis
  • Spirit Wear – Coordinate fall and spring spirit wear sales
  • Lanyards – Create, print and laminate lanyards with team rosters and schedules for parents
  • Memory Book – Create annual memory book featuring all of the players including photos, player tribute adds and sponsorship adds to be distributed at the annual end of year banquet.


To help develop and maintain a positive “Pioneer Culture”, parents on the team serve as “Culture Keepers”. The job of the Culture Keepers is to reinforce sideline behavior that reflects our positive culture, “the way we do things here.”


The Booster Club supports a positive “Pioneer Culture”. As players, parents, and coaches, we must adhere to the US Lacrosse Code of Conduct and honor the game. Failure to adhere to this code of conduct may result in the loss of privileges to be involved in the girl’s lacrosse program. Players, coaches, spectators, and parents are to conduct themselves in a manner that “Honors the Game” and demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials, and spectators. In becoming a member of the lacrosse community, an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the game of lacrosse and its participants. The essential elements in this code of conduct are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to the sport of lacrosse, themselves, their team, and their organization. We support US Lacrosse and the following behaviors for those participating or involved in any way:
  • Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game and must be taught and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games
  • The emphasis on winning should never be placed above the value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, or the skills of the game • Derogatory comments are unacceptable. Use positive reinforcement with players and adults alike. It should be remembered that criticism once made can never be retracted
  • The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance
  • Adults involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize badger, harass, or threaten an official
  • Knowledge of the Rules of Lacrosse must be respected and adhered to by all who participate in the game of lacrosse, both in the letter and the spirit of the game


The following are tips from Positive Coaching Alliance of ways that parents can contribute to a positive youth sports culture so our children will have fun and learn positive character traits to last a lifetime.


  • Commit to Honoring the Game in action and language no matter what others may do
  • Tell your children before each game that you will be proud of them regardless of how well they perform


  • Fill your children’s “Emotional Tanks” through praise and positive recognition to help them play their best
  • Fill their teammates’ tanks, too!
  • Do not instruct your child during game action or at breaks; let the coaches coach
  • Cheer good plays by both teams
  • Mention good calls by the official to other parents
  • If you disagree with an official’s call, Honor the Game – BE SILENT!
  • If other spectators yell at officials, gently remind them to Honor the Game
  • Don’t do anything in the heat of the moment that you will regret after the game. Ask yourself, “What do I want to model right now for my child?”
  • Remember to have fun and enjoy the game.


  • Thank the officials for doing a difficult job for little or no pay
  • Thank the coaches for their commitment and effort
  • When reviewing the game with your children, ask rather than tell. Instead of immediately sharing your opinions or telling them how they can improve, ask questions such as “What did you learn from that game?” or “What was your favorite play?” or “What was the most fun part of that game?”
  • Remember to give your children truthful and specific praise…not just the typical “good game” but, for example, “I saw how well you moved your feet on defense.”
  • Tell your children again that you are proud of them whether the team won or lost