We hope you will consider sponsoring the upcoming Conestoga Lacrosse Parent Fundraiser which will be held on February 22, 2019 at Devon Lanes. Your support directly benefits the athletes on both the girls and boys teams. Proceeds from this annual event help with uniform and coaching needs, team-building activities, travel stipends and the purchase of safe equipment. More details about sponsorship opportunities are outlined below.
Sponsorship Levels:
Presenting Sponsor $2500
- Acknowledgment on Main Entrance Banner, event flyers and website
- Full page ad in lacrosse yearbook
- 4 Admission Tickets
State Champs Sponsor $1000
- Acknowledgement on event signage and website
- ½ page ad in lacrosse yearbook
- 2 Admission Tickets
Central League Sponsor $500
- Acknowledgement on event Signage and website
- 1 Admission Ticket
Lane Sponsor $250
- Lane signage at event
- Listing on website
Please reach out to Lesley Blatchford (610-952-4829, blatch98@gmail.com)or Frani Aufiero (610-368-8765, faufiero@verizon.net) to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
Thank you for your consideration of this request and for your support of Conestoga Lacrosse!